Available in 20lb and 50lb bags.
Scratch – contains 11% protein and no Fertrell Poultry Nutri-Balancer.
Feed as a treat or supplement to equal no more than 10% of your bird’s daily feed intake.
Always soy free, non-GMO, with organic Fertrell Poultry Nutri-balancer!
All of our chicken feed rations are SOY FREE with NON-GMO grains and all are enhanced with the premium Organic Fertrell Poutry Nutri-Balancer vitamin, mineral, microbial additives specially formulated for the health of your chickens.
Why Fertrell? Because it is a 100% organic vitamin, mineral, and microbial top quality and complete supplement for your chickens that is “unmatched by competition”. Like you taking a high quality multi-vitamin vs a generic, your chickens will be better able to absorb and fully utilize the vitamins and minerals provided in H and H Feed.